
Panets d'hamburguesa. Quan vaig veure això vaig caure de cul, quina perfecció!!! Ho havia de provar, així que ahir per la nit vaig ficar-me a treballar. El primer cop no va sortir bé, però abans de desanimar-me vaig trobar l'explicació: el llevat fresc que tenia devia estar passat encara que no caducava fins d'aquí a un temps, i no va fer pujar la massa. Vaig tornar-ho a intentar, deixant la massa pujar tota la nit - més per conveniència meva ja que era tard - que per necessitat. I aquest matí he tret uns panets molt bufons del forn. No són ben bé d'hamburguesa, pero son tendres i tovets, ja em sortiràn bé... ja...

Burger buns. When I saw this I fell on my backside, that's perfection!!! I had to try it, so last night I began to work on it. The first time I didn't suceed, but before I became disheartened I found out the explanation for my failure: the yeast hadn't proof the dough. So I tried it again, proofed the dought all night - because it was too late for me, not because the recipe called for it - and this morning I took from the oven some very nice buns. They are not really burger buns, but they are soft and fresh, next time I'm sure I'll suceed and get those perfect buns!

Calamity Alex

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